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Information for NANCY E CONE, a family daycare home in New Britain CT:

Provider Name: NANCY E CONE
Approximate Location: 293 ALEXANDER RD, NEW BRITAIN CT 06053
Contact Phone: 860-301-4148
License Number: Family Child Care Home
Capacity: 6
Rate Range: Infant / Toddler (6 weeks to 2 years) - $175. Per week<> Preschool (2 - 5 years) - $175. Per week<> Before and after school $100 per week
Days of Operation: Monday-Friday
Normal Open Hours: 6:00am - 5:30pm
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
Transportation: Walking Distance to School, School Transportation
Additional Information:

Special Needs Experience: Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Physical Disabilities; Education Level(s): High School Degree;

Reviews: There are 7 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by Dory Redman on 2019-10-09 23:11:14
Comment: I have known Nancy for over 15 years. When I had to go back to work full time during the day there was no question that my son would be going to Nancy's Daycare. She takes care of your children as if they were her own. She is flexible is something comes up and mindful of your children's needs. My son just turned 12 and still asks to go visit Nancy, because she was such a huge part of his childhood.
Rated 5 star by Michele Anderson on 2019-10-08 15:41:48
Comment: My son has attended Nancy's Daycare for over a year. She treats my son as if he were her own child. When emergencies have arised she has helped by opening early or keeping my son later than expected. She goes above and beyond the kids in her care and their parents. My son was at a nearby daycare before coming to Nancy and we were seeing some issues that we were concerned with. I called Nancy and explained the situation that we were currently in and we toured with her that night. My son started at her daycare that week and we never looked back. Within a few weeks of starting at Nancy's Daycare our son was back to being the fun-loving, happy child that we knew.
Rated 5 star by Carrie on 2019-10-08 01:17:12
Comment: Nancy is one of the best daycare providers I've ever had. She cared for both of my children from infancy until they went to school in a different town. I'd still be with her if I could convince the town to bus out of district! Nancy is not in it for the business/money, she's in it to provide a loving, caring, family atmosphere. My daughter still asks to go there and even wants to spend the night (she did one time when I went into labor)! Nancy is very flexible with her schedule and incredibly understanding that parents have to work hard to support their family. I should note that some of the information posted on this site is inaccurate and misleading. I recommend speaking with Nancy directly.
Rated 5 star by Christine Cajigas on 2019-10-07 23:06:58
Comment: My son attends Nancy’s Daycare and has for the past 8years, he has autism and he had escaped from 2 other daycares. I do not have any worries when he is in Nancy’s care she is attentive and caring.
Rated 5 star by Lizbeth Ramos on 2019-10-07 22:39:48
Comment: Nancy’s Daycare was the best decision I could have made for my child. She treated my son as her own, and he had a very special bond with not only her but the other children as well. My son is now in preschool but he spent an amazing 9 months with her. No complaints what so ever and she will always be considered family. Highly recommended!
Rated 5 star by Heather Avitabile on 2019-10-07 22:35:55
Comment: Nancy is a loving provider. She makes both the children and their parents feel as if they are family. She has opened her doors early and has kept them open late when emergencies have come up. I have used her many times over the last 20 years for my 3 children. One of whom is special needs. Anyone would be lucky to have the warmth and nurturing that Nancy provides.
Rated 5 star by Rana R. on 2019-10-07 22:33:13
Comment: Nancy has been amazing and important aspect in the developments of my daughter. At the age of 2, my daughter knew her ABC’s, numbers, colors, and shapes. I love that my daughter was in a safe environment and enjoys the comfort of the daycare. I recommend Nancy’s Daycare to any parent or guardian looking for care.
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